10. 10. 2012

Tereza, jedině Tereza :-)

... and one perfekt gift!

It was really necessary to open the gift
already in the train. My pregnancy
appetite is really awesome! 
When we come home, come the worst deciding
in my life ever. Which of them should I take with me
to survive the coming weekend?!?
Decided! And we could go on the trip.
(MAOAMs in the bus)
And when we came back we enjoyed a lot of fun
with the others who were waiting for us at home!
Thank you Klaraki and Xápus!!!!

2 komentáře:

Anonymní řekl(a)...

:D :D :D :D neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, tak ten obrázek s Lamelím břichem jsme asi vidět nemuseli :D :D a kdepak je ta žlutá potvůrka, huh?

Xápus a Klaraki

Terr řekl(a)...

Zatopili jsme v kamnech, z 15ti stupňů tam najednou bylo 35 :) a na žlutou potvůrku si vůbec už nepamatuju ;)